petit mal — Svenska översättning - TechDico
petit mal — Svenska översättning - TechDico
The converse was true for children with right temporal involvement. In contrast to the two temporal groups, the Generalized penicillin epilepsy in the cat produced by large intramuscular injections of penicillin is characterized by clinical and EEG features rese… Chlorambucil Toxicity and EEG “Centrencephalic” Patterns Chlorambucil Toxicity and EEG “Centrencephalic” Patterns PRADHAN, S. N.; MARSAN, C. AJMONE 1963-12-01 00:00:00 SUMMARY The effects of chlorambucil administration upon the brain electrical activity were investigated in rabbits and cats (acute preparations) by means of cortical and subcortical recording. These theta-rhythms are demonstrable almost regulary in so-called centrencephalic epilepsy of early childhood (myoclonic and astatic fits, centrencephalic grand mal, and early childhood absences). We have made EEG-records of 161 siblings of children suffering from convulsive disorders with abnormal theta-rhythms and of 145 healthy controls without a history of convulsive disorders. Correlations between the electro-clinical evolution of 43 patients suffering from centrencephalic epilepsy and their daily urinary electrolyte excretions have been presented. Continue reading full article Epilepsy, unsp, not intractable, without status epilepticus; Dementia due to epilepsy w behavioral disturbance; Dementia due to epilepsy with behavior changes; Epilepsy; Epilepsy complicating period after childbirth; Epilepsy in childbirth; Epilepsy in pregnancy; Epilepsy, generalized; Epileptic dementia with behavioral disturbance; First generalized onset seizure; Generalized epilepsy Epilepsy affects the central nervous systems and allows abnormal activity within the brain. This disease affects men and women and does not seem to be more prevalent in any particular race.
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Common generalized epilepsy. The so-called idiopathic or centrencephalic epilepsy. Abstract. There is a special group of epilepsies whose primary source lies within so called “centrencephalic” regions and are commonly characterized by loss or impairment of consciousness during the attack and by a characteristic EEG pattern which shows bilaterally synchronous discharges of the spikes and wave complex of various frequency Centrencephalic epilepsy and suboccipital derivations.
petit mal — Svenska översättning - TechDico
Activation of Brief communications am j psychiatry 133:3, march 1976 321 psychiatric presentations of seizure disorders Physicians must be alert to this possibility; they centrencephalic epilepsy cen·tren·ce·phal·ic ep·i·lep·sy an imprecise term referring to epilepsy characterized electroencephalographically by bilateral synchronous discharges, and clinically by absence or generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Interictal focal or lateralized discharges occurring in the electroencephalograms of patients suffering from centrencephalic epilepsy.
petit mal — Svenska översättning - TechDico
These are known causes, common risk factors, and seizure triggers. Because "epilepsy" is actually an umbrella term for a group of neurological disorders, it can have many ca Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders.
Generalized penicillin epilepsy in the cat produced by large intramuscular injections of penicillin is characterized by clinical and EEG features rese…
Twenty-four per cent of all cases of epilepsy seen by one of the authors over a two-year period were of this type. Fifteen of these 47 patients had a history of birth injury.
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1971;8(6):457-69. Authors 2019-12-01 · Temporal lobe epilepsy, mean age 37.4, Centrencephalic, mean age 26.0, Focal Nontemporal, mean age 33.2 (n = 50). Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale: No temporal lobe vs nontemporal lobe epilepsy differences on WAIS VIQ, PIQ, FSIQ. TL group significantly better on Arithmetic, Comprehension, Similarities scales. 2014-10-23 · Benign centrotemporal epilepsy has a mean age of onset of 10 years and includes brief, hemifacial partial seizures that tend to become generalized, often at night.
The various phases of the disease showed a statistically evident relationship to water and sodium excretions, their retention coinciding with exacerbation and their increased excretion with improvement. centrencephalic epilepsy DOREEN KIMURA1 FromMontrealNeurological Institute The identifying characteristics of the electroence-phalogram in centrencephalic epilepsy have been outlinedbyPenfield andJasper(1954)as includinga bilaterally synchronous onset ofabnormality which consists of wave-and-spike activity at or near a frequency of3 per second. SUMMARY The effects of chlorambucil administration upon the brain electrical activity were investigated in rabbits and cats (acute preparations) by means of cortical and subcortical recording.
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Respiration in petit mal epilepsy Neurology
We have made EEG-records of 161 siblings of children suffering from convulsive disorders with abnormal theta-rhythms and of 145 healthy controls without a history of convulsive disorders. Correlations between the electro-clinical evolution of 43 patients suffering from centrencephalic epilepsy and their daily urinary electrolyte excretions have been presented. Continue reading full article Epilepsy, unsp, not intractable, without status epilepticus; Dementia due to epilepsy w behavioral disturbance; Dementia due to epilepsy with behavior changes; Epilepsy; Epilepsy complicating period after childbirth; Epilepsy in childbirth; Epilepsy in pregnancy; Epilepsy, generalized; Epileptic dementia with behavioral disturbance; First generalized onset seizure; Generalized epilepsy Epilepsy affects the central nervous systems and allows abnormal activity within the brain.
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petit mal — Svenska översättning - TechDico
The application of suboccipital electrodes provides earlier and safer detection of pathological activities within deep infratentorial structures than the standard recording techniques. 2. This is borne out by the correlations of the CPT with both verbal and performance intelligence, and with duration of illness (in the focal group). The primary disorder in patients classified as having centrencephalic epilepsy according to their EEG is believed to involve the central reticular network in the upper brain stem (7).
petit mal — Svenska översättning - TechDico
Centrencephalic epilepsy: status: active: date introduced: 2002-01-31: fully specified name(s) Centrencephalic epilepsy (disorder) synonyms: Centrencephalic epilepsy: attributes - group1: Finding site: Cerebral structure 83678007: parents: Partial seizure 29753000; Epilepsy 84757009; hierarchies Corpus ID: 44648462. Centrencephalic epilepsy induced by electrical convulsive treatment. @article{Assael1967CentrencephalicEI, title={Centrencephalic epilepsy induced by electrical convulsive treatment.}, author={M. Assael and B. Halperin and S. Alpern}, journal={Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology}, year={1967}, volume={23 2}, pages={ 195 } } Centrencephalic myoclonic-astatic petit mal. Clinical and genetic investigation Neuropadiatrie.
Depth electrode studies in centrencephalic epilepsy. Nashold BS Jr, Stewart B, Wilson WP. PMID: 5084390 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] MeSH Terms. Adolescent; Adult; Basal Ganglia/physiopathology; Brain/physiopathology* Caudate Nucleus/physiopathology; Electric Stimulation; Electrodes, Implanted; Electroencephalography; Epilepsy… 1965-12-01 This is borne out by the correlations of the CPT with both verbal and performance intelligence, and with duration of illness (in the focal group). The primary disorder in patients classified as having centrencephalic epilepsy according to their EEG is believed to involve the central reticular network in the upper brain stem (7). Theseizures inthese twotypes ofepilepsy alsodiffer, thecentrencephalic seizures including 'absence' attacks, myoclonic jerks, akinetic attacks, andmajorseizures, while the attacks infocal cortical Centrencephalic epilepsy induced by cobalt in the brain stem reticular formation.