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Studs kör hackathon hos Tritech #kth... - Tritech Technology

It is an opportunity to connect with like-minded students and researchers who want to start their own company. First KTH hackathon about art and continuous integration to take place in the old structure of the very first nuclear reactor of Sweden R1 on the 14th of Oct through Green Hackathons Jorge L. Zapico*, Daniel Pargman, Hannes Ebner, Elina Eriksson Media Technology and Interaction Design – MID, KTH ­ Royal Institute of Technology, SE­100 44 Stockholm, Sweden Abstract. Green Hackathon is an international series of coding events with sustainability purpose. Campus2030 Hackathon – Create your own smart infrastructure . Campus2030 is one of InfraSweden2030’s new project with the aim of enabling systemic solutions for smart roads.. Many technologies for smart transportation infrastructures are being developed right now, but we are missing some essential systemic interfaces that will enable their sustainable implementation.

Hackathon kth

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Är du sugen på att delta i ett hackathon? Då är du varmt välkommen att anmäla dig till Junction 2020 Connected. 28 sep. 2020 — Idé hackaton med seniorer och studenter på KTH program för den 5 – 9 oktober är Aging2.0 Idé-hackathon den 5 oktober 08:30–16:00. Katrine Marçal: Mother of inventions (Stream is available until May 7th).

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Welcome cocktail will be held in reaktorhallen on Monday Oct 14 at 16h30. Posters will be presented in U21 on Tuesday Oct 15.

Hackathon kth

Hackin', a hackathon for growing entrepreneurs — Hackin' 2020

Hackathon kth

the 21st/22nd of October 2011 at KTH. The Stockholm Green Hackathon was a success, with more than thirty participants coming from eight different countries and creating eleven interesting hacks. 1-week Robotics Hackathon happened at RPL during summer 2017. The task was to program two robots to serve candies in an autonomous way.

Hackathon kth

The members of second best team win an 8-hour personal project/career coaching by two KTH Professors. (*) Curious about meeting the people that are building the Digital Twin Stockholm? You will get to sit down with the key players, see what data-sets they are trying to merge, hear about ongoing developments, such as standardization and get to ask them about the missing bits. KTH Students, professional engineers, and curious persons are welcome to join this first ever performance of software art based on continuous integration data. Please register your participation to this hackathon here below by clicking on “Confirm RSVP”.
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From enabling smart maintenance free roads, to connecting autonomous cars in direct communication to the infrastructure to enhance safety….we are moving forward fast now!

KTH Innovation. •. 4 13 apr. 2018 — Årets jury utgörs av meriterade profiler från Google, KTH samt att upplägget för Digital Natives Redefining Banking Hackathon är ett utmärkt  hackathon.
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Facebook-Funka Accessibility Hackathon - Funka

2016 — För att främja digitalisering inom offentlig sektor arrangerade Tieto i samarbete med KTH, Stockholms stad och IBM ett hackathon där  19 feb. 2016 — Arrangörer var Sweco tillsammans med KTH. Nu har Deltagarna på Smart city hackathon kom från en mängd olika länder. Majoriteten var  16 feb. 2016 — Smart Cities Green Hackathon organiserades 12-13 februari av CESC (Center for Sustainable Communications) vid KTH och det svenska  4 sep.

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Idé Hackathon med Seniorer och Studenter på KTH! at Aging2

Att Skatteverket väljer att rikta sig mot studenter är ingen slump. – Det är viktigt för oss på IT-avdelningen att hitta lösningar på problem, och en av de bästa grupperna att hämta idéer från är studenter.

De vann Re:invent & Re:make hackathon i Linkarkitektur

Double degree program UPC - KTH following the MSc Programme of Systems, Control and Robotics Ölspel tog hem årets Hackathon på KTH. Publicerad 27 jan 2014 kl 02.55. Anmäl text- och faktafelAnmäl till Medieombudsmannen  För att främja digitalisering inom offentlig sektor arrangerade Tieto i samarbete med KTH, Stockholms stad och IBM ett hackathon där utvecklare, studerande och​  Södertälje Science Park / KTH (Prototypverkstaden) Var med och skapa framtidens Södertälje centrum under ett Hackathon som pågår under 24 timmar.

The hackathon took place in Borås at the Swedish School of textiles for two days  12 Feb 2020 Among mentors were Professor Anders Hallen of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, innovation coach Molly Rogstadius and business expert  invite you to the 2019 India Smart City Innovation Hackathon. Blog Post from Ideation Hackathon:  3 Jul 2019 As a main sponsor at the recent 2019 IoThon hackathon, Ericsson Yifan Ye from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. 30 Jul 2020 Developer Resources.