Årsredovisning 2017 - Dagens Industri


Latours årsredovisning för 2014 är offentliggjord - Investment

Klicka här för att följa aktiekursen i realtid About Latour Capital. Latour Capital is an independent French private equity company with a strong operational expertise. With over €1.5 billion in assets under management and c.15 investment professionals, Latour Capital is an active shareholder, strongly involved in its portfolio companies alongside management teams. Independent of the Company, not independent to major shareholder (Investment AB Latour) Born: 1968 CEO Investment AB Latour Education: MSc in Business and Economics – Lund University. Current board duties: Chair of the Board of Nederman Holding AB, Swegon Group AB, Hultafors Group AB, Nord-Lock International AB, Caljan AS and Latour Industries AB and Board member of Sweco AB Boliden’s fourth quarter: Strong earnings and cash flow for the quarter. Revenues for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK 16,170 m (12,972) and operating profit, excluding revaluation of process inventory, totaled SEK 3,043 m (1,721).

Latour investment investor relations

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Business Summary. Investment AB Latour is a Sweden-based company. Its operations are divided into two business lines. One is made up of the wholly owned industrial and trading operations and the other is a portfolio with listed holdings. Its industrial and trading operations are organized into four business areas: Hultafors Group, Latour Industries, Specma Group and Swegon. Investor Relations Reports and presentations Order annual reports Investment AB Latour (publ) J A Wettergrens gata 7, Box 336, 401 25 Göteborg. Phone 031 - 89 17 90 Alimak Group is a global market leader invertical access solutions for professional use, with sales to more than 100 countries.

Investment AB Latour Page 21 Aktiespararna

Investor Relations. Archive. The share.

Latour investment investor relations

Investor Relations - GUPEA - Göteborgs universitet

Latour investment investor relations

INVESTMENT LATOUR : Latour completes acquisition of Fristads AB, Kansas A/S, Ka.. 19.02. INVESTMENT LATOUR : Latour updates base prospectus and increases the nominal am.. 05.02.

Latour investment investor relations

284. Corporate Relations. Investment AB Latour is a Sweden-based company. Its operations are divided into Bo Anders Mörck, CFO, Director & Head-Investor Relation. Nils Olof Olle  ABOUT THE INSTITUTIONAL OWNERS.
Sd partiledning

Publicerad: 2020-08-13 (Cision) Investment AB Latour: Latour slutför förvärvet av Fristads AB, Kansas A/S, Kansas GmbH and Leijona Group Oy 2021-02-19 Investment AB Latour: Latour uppdaterar grundprospekt och höjer rambeloppet till 12 miljarder SEK Investment AB Latour has 20 July 2012 bought 500,000 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA at an average price of 47.00 NOK/share. Investment AB Latours holdings in TOMRA Systems ASA now amounts to 24 500 000 shares representing 16.6 percent of the shares. Investment AB Latour's CEO, Jan Svensson, is represented at the TOMRA Systems ASA's Board of directors. This also impacted the value of our investment portfolio which increased by just 1.9 per cent adjusted for dividends and net investments.

Latour består nämligen av en helägd industrirörelse och en börsnoterad portfölj. Latours vd har köpt aktier för 4 miljoner i Alimak. Publicerad: 19 februari 2021, 14:11 Investment AB Latour: Årsredovisning 2020 2021-03-01 Investment AB Latour: Latour slutför förvärvet av Fristads AB, Kansas A/S, Kansas GmbH and Leijona Group Oy According to the articles of association in Investment AB Latour class A shares can upon request by shareholders be converted into class B shares.
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Investor Relations, Varför investera i HMS? PDF Document 4.74 MB - Investment AB Latour. VisionLatour's vision is to be an attractivechoice for long-term investors thatwant good returns. The Group The equity ratio was 86 (84)percent calculated on booked equity in relation to total  Investment AB Latour (via Public — Latours verksamhet bedrivs i Latour det innehav hos Att Investor Svolder och Latour Investor Relations.

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Årsredovisning 2017 - Dagens Industri

Investor, founded by the Wallenberg family in 1916, is an engaged owner of high-quality, global companies. We have a long-term investment perspective.

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www.latour.se/en. InnovationsKapital.

Home. Investerare. The Latour share. Latour’s share is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Large Cap list, which includes companies with a market value in excess of EUR 1 billion. Invitation to the presentation of Latour’s year-end report 2020.